Hope MacGregor
After eight years of active-duty service as an Army helicopter pilot, you might say Hope has been around (moved around) the block once or twice . . . but Jackson truly feels like home. She’s from a tiny town in the cornfields of Central Illinois and grew up with nothing but music on her mind. Writing music is a form of prayer for Hope. It is how she sorts out the truth of life—the heartbreak and hope, loss and love, vulnerability and strength. Singing is how she expresses those things that are just too difficult to simply speak. She’s inspired by deep thinkers and storytellers. Writers like Lori McKenna, The Avett Brothers, John Moreland, and the Reinhard brothers are her high-water marks. And while she loves music that spans generations, genres, and genders, she will absolutely *always* jam to Garth Brooks, Shania Twain, Bonnie Raitt, and The Eagles. And Alison Krauss. And Dave Matthews. And The Beatles. And Norah Jones . . . you get the idea! Although she’s been performing on stages for a little over two decades, she’s been pursuing music as a singer-songwriter for about two years now. Hope loves jamming with rowdy crowds, setting the mood for a simple, sunny coffeeshop, and worshipping on Sunday mornings. She’s excited to keep plugging into the music scene here in Jackson and beyond!
Baker Bros BBQ, GG’s Coffee Co.
Email HopeMacGregorMusic@gmail.com or call 217.971.6369. Contact for rates.